Eligible Language Programs

The Blakemore Foundation awards grants for study only at specific language programs as noted below. No grants are available for study within the United States.

Applicants for Blakemore language grants must apply to both the language program desired and to the Blakemore Foundation. Each language program has its own separate due dates and forms, which may be found on its website. Managing this process is solely the applicant's responsibility.


The Inter-University Center for Japanese Language Studies in Yokohama, Japan (the “IUC”)

We do not fund Japanese language study at any other institution.


Inter-University Program for Chinese Language Studies at Tsinghua University in Beijing, China, also known as the “IUP Chinese Center”

International Chinese Language Program at National Taiwan University in Taipei, Taiwan (the “ICLP”)
Click here for a YouTube video on the ICLP program that includes an interview with Jing Cao, a 2015 Blakemore Freeman Fellow.

We only fund Chinese language study at the IUP or the ICLP.


Inter-University Center for Korean Language Studies at Sungkyunkwan University
Seoul National University
Sogang University

We will consider study at other language programs in South Korea on a case-by-case basis during the application review process.

Indonesian, Khmer, Thai, Vietnamese

Approval of language programs for study of select languages of SE Asia will be considered on an individual basis during the application review process.

Private Tutorial Programs

If there is no appropriate advanced-level language program available in a country, an applicant may propose a program combining study in an language program at a university supplemented by private tutorials. If no language program exists at all in the country, an applicant may propose a program of full-time tutorials. We ask that applicants considering study via these methods contact us at contactus@blakemorefoundation.org to discuss their application.

At your overseas language program, you'll have the opportunity to form some great friendships. Just ask these IUP students!